Saturday, February 12, 2005

The Meaning

So it's come to this.

I just realized that I never explained the meaning of my blog's name. I chose Ying Yang for a number of reasons. The first, I love the ying yang sign and what it represents. Good, evil, light, dark, etc. etc. you get the idea. A balance. How I perceive the world, how I perceive God and nature. Ying Yang represents who I am; a Libra. The scales. I'm a very neutral individual. When you ask something of me that forces me to chose one way or the other, it's difficult for me to do. My first inclination is to say you can go either way depending on your personality. This isn't always a good attribute. So recently I've been trying to chose a direction. Speaking of that, I've decided that I will more than likely switch majors. I'm close to graduating and am now taking classes that deal mostly with my major, biochem. I hate them. I have a biochem lab now, and it's one of the most annoying uninteresting things ever. I'm also taking a microbiology class which I am really enjoying. In the past, microbiology was my other choice for a major, but I liked the chemical aspect of life, so I figured I'd take biochem. Hopefully, this will be a more fitting major for me.

In less life impacting news, I started watching an anime today called Naruto, suggested by my roommate, Bizzle (his nickname). I'm already hooked after watching 1 & 1/2 episodes. To give you a taste, it involves a boy named Naruto, who has a demon fox with nine tails sealed within him. He learns about this on the first episode. This giant demon almost destroyed his village and killed many people. There are individuals called Horayak or something like that, who sealed the demon in him. There were twelve of them that knew about this terrible truth, along with all of the adult villagers. Everyone hates Naruto because of the beast living within him, but he doesn't know. The exception is his teacher and the village elder, among a few others. Apparently there almost 200 episodes of this thing, so I have a long ways to go. It's much more interesting than how I'm explaining it, so if you want to check it out, you have to download bit torrent (a program) and that will let you download it from people (I think). I don't know, because I don't have it, nor do I have the time to download it and the animes. I'll leave that to my roommate.

Another interesting thing that happened. I went to church, yes, church! The whole schpiel, how ever that's spelled, went down at Christmas, well a little bit before. Becka, as we'll call her, a girl I work with noticed the last name printed on my cousin's letter jacket (yes, I work with my cousin, in fact I've worked with three of my cousins [total], since working at the bio-med [we're running a family owned business now]). This particular cousin has the last name of my grandmother, whom attends the same church as Becka. This sparked some curiosity, so Becka asked my cousin if she knew my grandma, aunt, uncle, and two younger cousins (they all go to the same church). They were in fact the same people, so Becka asked me about it, to which I professed the truth. The informed me that she was teaching my younger cousin, M how to play a traditional Russian instrument, the balalaika. When Christmas rolled around, and I saw my entire family, I asked my cousin about it. She was really excited about the fact that I knew Becka, and invited me to come to church with her. I agreed that I would, thinking that I would get to see her play the instrument. Two weeks ago, I received a call from my aunt asking me to come to church with them. When I brought up the fact that I'd like to see my cousin play the balalaika, my aunt paused and said, "Oh, no. She doesn't perform, she's just learning. She just wants you to come to church." I said I would just to see them, and visit with everyone. Then my aunt told me that my cousin wanted me to come to church FROM NOW ON. I explained that I don't believe in Christianity, to which my aunt was slightly saddened (how would you feel if your beliefs said that a member of your family will burn in hell...). I still insisted that I would like to go, as I do enjoy church (I was Christian at one time [see other posts]), so I scheduled for last Sunday. This portion of my family attends, you guessed it, a Russian Orthodox church. I learned that this is not the same as being Catholic. I attended a very nice service, which was different from my Lutheran ones I used to attend. I always attended the contemporary service when I went to church. This was the first time I was told that I was a sinner (a bad one) directly. Of course I knew this, when attending Lutheran church, but never was I directly told so. I kinda made me feel bad. After the service, there was a coffee get-together, which I attended. I ran into Becka, who was surprised to see me there. I talked with her briefly, before grabbing a donut and coffee and visiting with my family. I ended up meeting a few connections for pharmacy school, an admin person, and a prof. Now I have a little more knowledge of what to do, and where to go.

I'll wrap it up here, for now.

Wishing you all well,



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