Thursday, March 03, 2005


Garden State - I just watched Garden State, with Zach Braff and Natalie Portman. I hate hate hate it (not really, I loved the heck out of it). But, oh, man was it one of the best movies I've seen in a loooong time! I recommend it to all. I thought it was a chick flick at first, but it turned out to be more. It's actually exactly what I needed to see at this point in my life.

Transparency - If anyone reading this has felt transparent, let me hear you roar! I walk down the streets and people run me off the sidewalk as if I don't exist. I feel that I should not be a push over and just slam into them, but I also feel that one day, I won't have to. They will just move. I had this feeling again when Blue Pumpkin's cousin walked right past me the other day. She was in my graduating class. I thought, "I was invisible in high school, I guess I'm still invisible here...". She very well may have not seen me, and I could have been the bigger person and said hi, but I made it my own little experiment. I'm not upset that she didn't see me, just something that popped into my head. Perhaps I'm just feeling sorry for myself?

Happiness is lost - I've noticed my lack of positivity these last few years. For those of you who know me well, you know that I'm a really positive person, so this infusion of numbness is as puzzling to you as it is to me. These next few days, weeks, years- however long - I'm really going to try to get my positive flow back. Here are some lyrics that may give you a good vibe...

311 - Inner Light Spectrum
There is one thing I
will say on life
we are livin
let it flow
cuz it won't stop

Terry and Shanna - This is something I wanted to mention a while back. Earlier in Fall semester, I met the people who's names are listed above. Terry was an older gent, and Shanna was a girl working in the St. Paul labs who is graduating this semester (from what I remember, she was). It was one of those sort of weird incidents that you only reflect on years later, or in my case, a semester later. We were waiting for the campus connector buses which come every half hour after 10 pm. At this time, they apparently do not stop at the stop we were waiting at, so we sat at this stop and got lost in conversation for an hour, before realizing something was amiss. I reflect on this not only because the two people were awesome individuals, but because they were interested in mushrooms and I was able to talk a lot about what I knew about them for the first time in a non professional manner. I won't get into fine details, because only a geek like me would be interested in me repeating what we talked about, but Shanna, who already secured a seat on a bench, asked me what I was doing on the campus this late, and I told her about my herbarium job. Terry, who had already been standing at the stop when I arrived, listened in. She brought up something about the mushrooms in her back yard, and I explained why she couldn't get rid of them by way of defining their morphology and growing behavior (you can't pull out mushrooms, it will not rid you of them). Terry started asking me about wood rotters (shelf fungi), and I explained their morphologies and growing behaviors as well. Later, we switched subjects, giving our liberal opinions about certain governmental positions that we were particularly disgusted with. Eventually, we moved to the right stop and parted ways. I will probably never see either of them ever again, but I will never forget them! Terry told me about how he and his wife made artist conk (shelf fungus that you can write on the underside of) gifts for Christmas one year, and Shanna is from New Guinea. These things will be with me always.

I've been listening to...well, now that I look, many different artists due to the random play on itunes...Here are my mobile choices (ones I listen to when away from computer)
A Perfect Circle - eMotive
T.R.U.S.T. Company - The Lonely Position of Neutral
the kILLERS - Hot Fuss (I can't stop listening to this one)
Quarshi - Jinx (I've been looking for this album for a long time. It is one of my all time favs now!)
Def Leppard - Euphoria
Filter - The Amalgamut
Limp Bizkit - Chocholate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water

Peace y'all



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