Thursday, March 10, 2005

Whillups and Gizleblum


I ran into a couple of old buddies today at the Target in my hometown. I had attended a funeral earlier, which I won't discuss, and upon returning home, my father asked if I could spare some money for my doggie's insulin. Shadow, my dog, has been diabetic for a couple of years now, I think since sophomore year so we have to purchase special high fiber food and insulin for him. Anyway, I ran into Jack (not real name) and talked to him. He had recently received a degree in music engineering and production and has offered me studio time in the past, but has had some trouble finding work, so he works at Target for the time being. A girl we both know from high school was trying to get studio time with him, but since he has a degree now, he doesn't get free studio time any longer, so he must wait until no one is using it, or until someone attending gives him some time. I told him my updated situation with my major. Actually, I'm going in to talk to an advisor tomorrow about changing it and my options in doing such. So I bid him farewell and was on my way out, when I saw Adam (not real name). He was working the photo area. He didn't see me at first, and I actually did a double take when I saw him. After he noticed me, we talked briefly and I was on my way. I hadn't seen Adam since my junior year in high school, so it was good to see he was well. As for my BCQ tour, we went to the CBS greenhouse. My group of students this semester had the best reaction there than any of the other groups I've had in the three years I've been doing this. They were really interested and we stayed there for longer than a half hour (the usual time). Most people don't know about the greenhouse or if they do, they think, "Oh, wow the greenhouse. What...they have cool grass there?" when actually the greenhouse has a plethora of exotic species. They have themed rooms and a tropical "study" room. It's one of my favorite places on campus.

That's all for the weekly update!




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