Thursday, March 24, 2005

A Thank You and Stuff Else

First of all, I'd like to extend a thanks to Blue Pumpkin for indirectly correcting my misspelling of hoarded (I wrote "horded"),so thanks to him. Also, a thanks to him for keeping my sanity last night as I trudged through the most painful lab report I've ever done, ever!! I must have spent approximately 10 hours on the son of a bitch. I hate BIOCHEMISTRY. This brings up a point made today by a bunch of my biochem major buddies and me. We were discussing how we would kill ourselves if we had to obtain the knowledge and perform the techniques of biochem for the rest of our lives. Their escape - med school. Me, on the other hand, well, I'm just not majoring in it anymore. I really want to leave the country and study in the rain forest before I graduate. That's probably not going to happen, though. Just like my plan to travel to China to intensively study Chinese. Oh, and Visavide, if you are reading this, we're still going to Europe, fo' sho'.

This brings up an important point about procrastination, and everything I just talked about. I always assume that I'll do it later. For example, this lab report I just finished 3 hours ago. Had I started on it during break instead of watching Naruto non-freagin'-stop, I wouldn't have had to spend 10 hours on it. I have to give myself some credit, though. I would have started on it, had I not had a paper due in expository writing on Tuesday. Oh...wait, I PROCRASTINATED ON THAT TOO!!! It's sad for me to say, but I always perform my best when I procrastinate. I always get the job done, and I always luck out. One of these days my luck will run dry - just not today. Here's the other thing I forgot to mention. When I went to lab, I didn't turn it in during lab (when it was due), I expected to lose 10% of my grade (the penalty for being late), but then I found a loop hole and got out of it (my TA would accept it as long as she was still here tonight [which she was]). I told myself that I had hit rock bottom earlier in the day and that my procrastination caused me to turn in something worth 1/4 of my grade late. I thought I was gonna turn a new leaf...ha! That shows me!

By the way, the paper that I posted, "The Trade", I got an A on it. I thought I wasn't going to do well on it. In fact, I know my Prof really liked it, because he asked for a copy, which means he's going to use it in his class in the future! I'm thinking of becoming a writer and screwing all this crap (except the band career)!!

The last thing I want to do is type. After that report, my brain is numb and my fingers as well. I feel quite awake and aware of my surroundings for not getting adequate sleep in the past few nights. Eerie...

If you haven't yet, I advise you to check out Naruto. It's quite possibly the most addicting show I've ever watched. I've mentioned it before, but just in case you are tired of reading my sh*t over again, I'll recap. It's an anime, not too violent, a little blood here and there. It's about children becoming ninja and their trials to become stronger. If you are interested, and you have my personal contact info, email me, and I will send you an episode or two to whet your whistle.

I wanted to say something about last weekend. I hung out with the Blue Pumpkin. We went to an old hang out place - Perkins. There we indulged in some of the finest crap food you could ever fathom. It was great, we talked a bunch and then hit the bar afterward. One part of our conversation centered around communication. Something I've learned about myself over the years, is I have terrible personal communication skills. I stutter, look away from my listener, and show no body language or confidence. I'm working on it though. Random

Why do I talk about this stuff?? I like rambling on about stuff that doesn't matter. It's good space filler. If I could give an award out for best impression on me today it would go to...who else have I been talking about the whole time Blue Pumpkin. His latest post commemorates his anniversary of appendix removal. It caught me so off guard, I don't know what else to do but congratulate him!

I'll leave you all with a story. Stuff else were words I uttered to my family when they asked me what I was learning in school as a child. My response went something along the lines, "Math, Science, reading, stuff else...," they all erupted with laughter and mirth. I'll never forget it.

That reminds me of another time when one of my bestest buds and I were chillin' as children. We used to hate the devil for some reason or another, so when we got pissed off, or something bad happened, we would flick him off - the bird straight towards the center of the earth. Unbeknownst to us, we were probably flipping the bird to some defenseless China man, but we were young, what did we know. This particular instance stays with me, because I created the "double cross", where you use both fingers and cross them, making the f*ck you twice as powerful. The devil never knew what hit him.

Sleep Well,



Blogger Jellybelly said...

Thanks for all of the kudos. Don't worry too much about school. There were a million times I thought it wasn't going to work, but it did. Just "hang in there" as they say.

Later P-wagz,

11:03 PM  

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