Monday, March 14, 2005

Coony the Sewer Cat & Other Tales

A wonderful spring break it has been so far. On Friday, I went out to celebrate my friend Allison's (not real name) birthday, which was actually a two weeks ago. We went to Gameworks™ in downtown Mpls. There, with some other friends of ours whom I haven't seen in quite some time, we went bowling and played DDR and all that fun stuff. While we were bowling, there was an announcement that there would be a contest for a $25 bar tab. The contest was the first person out of 5 people who could unknot a frozen t-shirt and put it on wins. Both Allison and I partook in the event, however, neith of us won. We did get free t-shirts out of the deal, though, which was pretty freakin' sweet! Nothing says lovin' than a free t-shirt for a college student!

So, to stay true to the title, the story of Coony. A while ago when walking to the courtyard of my apartment building, I saw this large cat run and dive into the large opening of a street drain. At the time, I thought, wow, a stray cat survives by living in the sewer system. I wasn't too surprised though, given the strange things I've seen around campus in the animal world. I've seen a squirrel with an entire piece of pizza in its mouth, I've heard stories of squirrels foraging through backpacks to eat people's snack treats hidden within, a squirrel has run up and almost touched my shoe, a squirrel once scared the crap out of me as I walked past an outdoor garbage recepticle. It shook the plastic liner by its survey of the bag's contents and I almost had a heart attack. Speaking of squirrels, I've even had one in my apartment room! I realize by now that I've gotten way off subject, but this is a great story.

One evening a year or so ago, my roommatess had some people sleep over at the apartement. If you've ever been in my apartment with a large group of people, you already know how hot it gets. My roommates opened the windows to cool the place for their guests, but they accidently left the screens open too. The next morning, I heard about how my roommate Tim (not real name) went into the neighboring roommates room, to find a squirrel perched on the bed of one of our sleeping buddies, Jeff (not real name). He awoke Jeff exclaiming that there was a squirrel in the room. From what I recall, he put on full protective gear consisting of pots and pans and some articles of his work uniform and searched for the creature as it had scurried away after being discovered. Eventually, they chased him out. The funny part is when I came home later that day, I saw the squirrel sitting on Tim's large subwoofer. I tried chasing it out, but once it scurried outside, it kept trying to reenter, and I didn't want to put my hand out the window to close it, because the thing almost bit me when I did. After attempting to scare it away from the window, if finally left, and I closed the windows. It turned out that after it vacated the premesis the first time, they only closed the screens in the bedrooms, not the living room! One last squirrel story, and I'll stop, I promise!

I was walking outside behind my apartment building, when I saw this squirrel perched on the top of the door of a car with its window open. It sat there chewing in some morsel until it noticed me, whereupon it hoarded the morsel in its mouth and dove into the car! Bear in mind that this occurance happened shortly after the invasion of my humble abode, so I made no attempt to fischer out the squirrel. I assumed it was the same squirrel. I did however, notify the owner of its presence.

Back to Coony! I saw this large cat many times over the next few weeks. One night I was walking to the courtyard again. I saw the cat pounce into the opening, but this time it poked its head and tail out. There, in an opening that I thought was too small for it, sat the biggest racoon I've ever seen! I told my non-g/f about it and dubbed him/her Coony. I love how drawn out that was with other miscellaneous stories, considering the fact that the Coony story was extremely short comparatively.

Last note of the night. I practiced/wrote a song with my non-g/f last night. Using a chord progression that I created a while ago, she was inspired to write a poem from it. We ended up deciding that the lyrics didn't fit the chords, but it was a worthwhile activity anyway. Through the actions of one, P-Wagz, during this session, my non-g/f informed me that I am not very driven for my dream of being in a band. She was 100% correct. I do not put in the time to play guitar and get better, nor the effort. It was huge reality check for me. With that said, I am going to vow that I will make a considerably larger effort to realize my dream. That's all for tonight!

I hope you are all well!



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