Saturday, April 23, 2005

No Electric Brain Today

I don't have my mac with me today, which reminded me of everything I wanted to post. I would have posted last Thursday, had this website been functional. It claimed to be down and out for merely a half of an hour, when in reality it was down for many hours. I was not happy to say the least, especially when I'm trying to stay on task with the weekly postings and all.

Off the top of my head. Limp Bizkit has a new single out - The Truth. I just listened to it on their website. It is the bomb-tizzle if such a word could describe it. Also Billy Corgan has some new stuff going on that I recommend checking out. Last night I went out and purchased the new Reel Big Fish CD, We're Not Happy 'Til You're Not Happy. I haven't had the chance to listen to the whole thing yet, but it's good so far. It's really different from their last release, Cheer Up!. I was reading reviews on it and have come to the conclusion that RBF fans (some to most of them) suck ass! They always criticize the band to no end. The reviews read how the band complains about not having success and how they are going to break up in this record (which they do). However, those ignoramuses don't understand that that is how RBF are. They are a humorous ska band that make jokes of almost everything they do. A true fan can easily see that this record is complimentary to Cheer Up!. In Cheer Up!, Aaron Barrett (the lead singer) explains that the record is supposed to put you in a great mood after listening to it, no matter how bad you feel. Because of the stark contrast (no pun intended) of this new album, We're Not Happy 'Til You're Not Happy, it is very easy to understand that they are making a statement with their music. They can sound however they want, and still sound good. All the fans do is complain. I think they should write another f-you song to all the bad fans, like they did in Why Do They Rock So Hard?, this way it will weed out all the bad ones. Needless to say, the album will become another one of my favorites. Oh, yes, and the Damien Rice CD, O (featured in the movie, Closer [recommend - good]) is fan-f******-tastic! Give it a listen, it will be worth your time. For those of you who don't know my musical tastes, I am quite broad, and will listen to just about anything. For example, Limp Bizkit is a rap-core metal band; Billy Corgan, is a mix (judging from Smashing Pumpkins) of rock, alt., easy listening, love songs, indie rock, metal, and maybe a little thrash, RBF, as mentioned before, are ska (brass instruments with guitar, drums, and bass), and Damien Rice is very easy listening the whole nine yards.

My allergies are back after a three year break! It's exciting to no end. I've never sneezed as much this year as I have in my life. My eyes have never itched from allergies before. I started taking 24-hour Claritin, only to realize that it made me suicidal and depressed (or so I thought). I never wanted to feel that way again, so I relied on the only medication that I knew worked, Benadryl. This caused me to be quite tired and out of it, which was no surprise. At this point, I stopped taking the meds because of their side-effects, only to be forced into taking Claritin again so I would stop sneezing and blowing my nose all of the time. I must have been really tired the night I took Claritin the first time, because I haven't felt suicidal or depressed lately, and this is day 2 of 24-hour relief, and man, is it relief. I think I'm going in to get allergy tested soon, so I know what I'm allergic to. Also, I was worried that my circulatory system was messed up, because when I sneeze, I feel crippled, because of the pain in my arms and collar-bone area. I thought it was my circulatory system because I've heard that your heart skips a beat when you sneeze. Then my non-g/f pointed out that I should actually think about my diagnosis and I realized that it didn't make any sense that one's heart would skip a beat when sneezing, and even if it did, why that would cause pain in those areas via the circulatory system. She deduced that it is my muscles tensing up from such full-bodied sneezes. I've deduced to stop listening to fairy-tale like stories that are ridiculously ludicrous, such as your heart skips a beat when you sneeze, the ends of the bread are healthier because they have all of the grain in them (from the crust), or the infamous tooth-fairy sells teeth to the devil for cash.

I think I'm dry for stories and updates and such for now!




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