Thursday, May 26, 2005

Acquired is Spelled With a "C"

A little problem I had with spelling today (now the other day) is the cause of this title. So before I write about what happened 3 weeks past, I have to write about what happened this last weekend. I sort of still haven't had time to sit down because it's been so crazy. First and foremost, I MET PAPA ROACH! Yes, I'm totally still all happy and crazy and stupid about it, but I don't care and no one ever responds to my posts so I can feel like this without restraint. The group in comment put on a phenomenal show and I was about 5 feet away from Jacoby Shaddix (the lead singer [before I met him]) for a small portion of the concert. The show was at First Ave. The only thing that was sort of dissappointing was that Trust Company, their opening band, wasn't there. They were replaced by some band I didn't see (we were a little late) and a band called No Warning. No Warning weren't that good at first, but by the end of their set, the music sounded good. The lead singer left something to be desired for me. All he did was scream and his vocals were a little shabby. But props to the band for actually having songs and having the balls to get up on stage and perform, unlike myself, where I have chunks of songs, lyrics that are decent and scattered, but never long enough to constitute a song, and no band other than Blue Pumpkin. It's funny how inspired I get after I meet a band. This is the second group out of my favorite bands that I have had the pleasure to meet. I realize that when archiving memories, I like to be as specific as possible. I know I have a few readers, and this makes it a little dry in terms of content, but that's the way I like it. During the show I went upstairs and bought a rather expensive domestic bottle. It was a great beer for the $4 price tag. By the way, I attended this concert with the non-g/f and our mutual friend A. We found horrible standing spots upstairs for the second opening band and watched as Papa Roach's stage crew sprayed them with what I thought was shaving cream, covering all their instruments and the people attached to them. We decided to go to the ground floor for Papa Roach because there was better viewing there. I don't really remember their first song, I think it was Dead Cell. They played a similar show last March, when I saw them at the Quest, only they played a few more newer songs this time 'round. After the show, I asked the ladies if they wanted to meet the band, thinking that they probably wouldn't come out. They showed interest, so we lined the west wall of First Ave. and waited, while the disgruntled stage crew dismantled the setup. It was fun to watch the First Ave. crew pull dumsters and small plastic garbage bins along the sidewalk and run the bins into stupid teenage girls who thought they were better than everyone. Jerry (guitar) walked outside and no one noticed, except a few of us, but by the time I snapped out of my stuttering, stammering, and idiocy, he was past me and I couldn't get a signature from him. More time passed and we waited. The tour buses were right outside parked next to the building, across the sidewalk from us. I figured, since everyone is waiting by the wall, I'll wait next the the buses because no one's there and I could get a better view of who was coming out of the building. After a few more minutes, Tobin (bass), came out. This really high girl introduced herself and her "friend" who just happened to be a professional photographer. They took one or two pictures and then she tried to put her arm around him and pull him the other direction, when some other fan asked for a signature. He shrugged the high girl off and signed a few things and took off. (I got mine!!!) Next, Jacoby (lead singer) came out and he said that the band would be out in five minutes. This couple we were standing next to were big fans, and they asked me to take a picture of Jacoby and them once he came out. I had to ask him the name of the guitar player because I didn't know. I should have asked him the name of the drummer, but I was a little embarassed since they are one of my favorite bands. I think his name is Nathan. These triplet girls who couldn't have been older than 14 were bitching about the time they had to wait for the band. "Five minutes my ass!" one exclaimed. Non-g/f and I were annoyed at their disrespect, because apparently, Papa Roach owed them something. After about 20 minutes, Jerry came out and started signing. The triplets didn't have a clue about the band, because they must have thought that Jerry was Jacoby, got his signature and left. They probably bragged about it to their friends this past week in school saying they met the lead singer and got his picture, when it was only Jerry (not that Jerry's autograph and picture are less valuable). Jacoby came out a couple minutes later, followed by Nathan and Tobin. I shook hands and got all their signatures (as well as my two lady friends). Nathan had a cold. I asked Jerry if he remember J., a huge fan that used to hang out with the band years ago when they weren't mainstream, but he didn't. He said that if he saw J., he probably would, though. I felt bad, because after everyone got the other band member's signatures, they all grouped around Jacoby, and left the other band members in the background. I was going to ask Jacoby if he remembered J., but I decided not to, and we went on our merry way. Before we entered the parking lot, I called a coworker of my non-g/f and mine to rub in how we met them and that she should've been there (she's a big fan). I also called one of my best friends and got the satisfaction I wanted when he told me, "Fuck you!" in response to my accomplishment. After that, we went to Applebee's at the U and had 241's to celebrate. That was the end of the evening on Friday. I have a smashing story of last Sat. It was J's (mentioned above) bachelor party.

Good Evening, and have a great Memorial Day Weekend!!


P.S. I'm going to my cabin for the first time in a long time! Hope to see you


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