Saturday, May 14, 2005

Hosh Posh and the Hoolihans

Ugh, I've finished finals, and now I'm racking my brain to find an order with all the things I want to write about. Let's go back to the end of April ::vision of readers gets wavy and falls slowly away like cascading water:: Diddleydoo Diddleydoo Diddleydoo

Every year for BCQ, there is a formal recognition dinner, where all of the efforts of the student leaders are acknoweledged. This year it was hosted at the Eastcliff Mansion, i.e., the U of MN President's residence, and the theme was Hollywood. Since I don't have any costumes really, I wore my tai chi uniform. I let people assume what I was to them, but if they asked, I was either Bruce Lee or Jet Li. Before I was to head over to Eastcliff, I was asked if I could chauffer some of my fellow student leaders there, since I as one of the few college students who can afford (yeah, I'm rich) to have a car on campus. Luckily for me, my attire was somewhat formal looking, because when I arrived to pick up some of my friends, most of them were suited up and the ladies were all wearing dresses. So much for the theme... I followed two other cars there because they knew a faster way that taking the freeway at rush hour. After finding the place followed by me almost getting lost trying to find street parking, we arrived.
It was my first time there and wow, it is a beautiful place. As always when I enter mansions, I wondered if it were haunted - usually older, large buildings like that, give me that feeling. The entire first floor and basement, with the exception of a few locked doors was open to us. Downstairs was all rustic and had a wooden theme to it. Throughout the mansion, there were many books on Minnesota history, Native Americans, and politics (surprised?). We ate in a dining room filled with windows exhibiting the ground's courtyard and garden. I sat with one of the faculty advisors (he is quite prestigeous, as he used to be on the medical school board), his son, and three other leaders. We had some interesting conversation throughout dinner. The faculty advisor, C.S., is quite a friendly guy, very odd, but awesome. He asked us leaders what movies we saw recently. Apparently, he is quite an old horror movie fan. I offered that I had recently watched, "The Amityville Horror", giving it great reviews for all at the table. I was told that "Sin City" was a good movie, but you had to watch it with a grain of salt. Apparently, it has cheesy lines and such due to the fact that it's based on a comic book. I don't think I'll see it. C.S. also brought up that he wanted to bring his wife. Apparently, she asked how formal it was, and C.S. had saw the coordinators (let's say they are my boss) in jeans setting up for the dinner, and said, "Some of them are wearing jeans." To which she asked, "Well, I thought it was a formal?" C.S. replied with, "Well, they are college students, so maybe it isn't that important." He went on with the conversation, saying it was a good thing she didn't come because everyone was dressed up so nicely now. I silently sat and looked at my unironed tai chi uniform, slightly embarrassed.
I don't remember all of the conversation as it was blocked out from all the studying from finals. Dinner consisted of a pre-entre salad - very delicious; the main entre was cheese and vegetable stuffed ravioli, which had a sweet tomato sauce that complimented the pasta well; and dessert was a choice of french silk, apple cheesecake, boston creme, and strawberry pies. I chose the french silk. After dinner we were ushered into the living room, and presented with a slide show of pictures on the ceiling. Afterwards, we took some group pictures and a couple of us attempted to go into the private section, which consisted of the second floor, only to stop short because there was a t.v. on in a nearby room that could be seen from the first couple of steps. After that, I helped clean up, drove home, and that concludes our tour.

Well, I hope this whets your whistles for now!



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