Thursday, June 02, 2005


I'm starting something new on my blog called Dreamscapes. My plan is to share my strange-assed dreams with you all, so you know the true madness within.


This is a dream I had a few months ago, but wrote it down so I wouldn't forget it. For a final senior performance, I was doing some crazy acrobatics, so crazy, in fact, that they were physically impossible. This event took place in a gymnasium, but not one in my high school (which is the last gym I truly remember being in), it was a dreamed up one. After pulling off a perfect choreographed performance, I had to redo it, because the judges weren't paying attention, although the crowd sure was. Later in the dream Johar, a friend of mine from high school whom I haven't seen since then (in reality), was telling me where he was going after he graduated from college. The setting for this part of the dream appeared as if in northern Minnesota, although it could've been anywhere. For some reason, I had to explain to Johar the difference between the already beautiful scenery and plant life we were stationed around and that of Duluth.
The next part of the dream made the least sense of all, I was standing in some war zone, and although it appeared to be simulated, something about the feeling I was getting was that it was real. There were a few other people and myself in this place, but the others' identities are unknown to me. We started out on this watch post-looking structure, and had to climb down a ladder to a muddy battleground. Off hundreds of yards away, explosions could be seen intermittently across the barbed wire laden field. The other fellows took off in all directions, as if they had missions they already knew that needed execution. I, on the other hand, went by instinct and ran to my left and to the side of the watch post, which jutted out from a wooden wall. As I looked further to my left, I saw the remnants of a destroyed house set in a corner of the fenced off field, only small chunks of the outer frame remained. I walked over, my curiosity getting the best of me. As I "entered" the house, I realized that this whole ordeal was the result of my friend, Cas's, design. He was testing me. He had some hidden journals stashed away inside the wall nearest the watch post, which I found incidently by kicking part of the wall in. Among them was a tape for which I conveniently had a tape player for. The tape gave clues to a secret in the house that I had to find to help solve a puzzle. According to the tape, there was something in the small bedroom or room, and I had to find words or an object, but the tape wasn't specific. Again, the dream transitioned to something else.
Now, I'm standing on Cas's parents' house with his parents, and his mother and I each smoke a joint. His dad just stood there and talked to us while we did it, and it was like the most natural thing ever. This would never, ever happen in reality. After the joint, I went to my car, which was parked nearby, and as I was pulling out, a black woman stopped me and started complaining to me about Cas's Cuban relatives (of which he has none)! Completely random.

In another dream, the non-g/f and I had children. One was Hispanic and had hazel eyes and was wearing a large box that resembled a box from a slider from White Castle over his diapers. In the dream I was thinking that one must be adopted (as if I had never seen these children before) because he was Hispanic.

In the next dream, B.R. and I were playing the snare drum in some concert band. After we were done playing, we decided to hit the town. We were lost in some city that we thought was B.C. and we were completely lost. At one point we crashed another band's concert and the proper attire that the other members' were wearing was suddenly on us. As I recall, we stole the show with solos and such.

Another dream had me in a grocery store with old acquaintances. I had lunch with J.Pob. and L.Mah. and J.Prec. and J.Mast. After the lunch which involved a conversation about a relationship. When I was leaving the store, I saw C.Jacob., but didn't say hi. I also saw K.Bres., but said nothing. I went into a bathroom, but then the dream changed.
I was roller balding with D.Matt. and Bizzle in some institution's parking lots. We separated and I stumbled upon some secret lots, one with very expensive luxury and sports cars. A small lake could be see to the left of me and the lots were raised as if on a cliff above the lake, its perimeter fenced off. There was also another fenced in lot to my left as well. I saw this sports car that belonged to "the twins", whatever that meant, and I knew that it was indestructible so I decided to do some jumps off of it with my rollerblades. The car itself was like one of those tiny two seater BMWs, only it was lower to the ground and the front end formed a point with the ground, making it look like a jump; I think it had a porsche sign on it. I rolled around the lot, then decided to go back. After I jumped one of the fences (each lot was enclosed by a cyclone fence), I decided that I wanted to go back once more. The last part of the dream was repeated, only I didn't re-recall that it was the twins' car. but the way I looked at the car and the way I jumped off of it was the same. I finally left the expensive car lot and crossed the other two lots to met up with the guys again. I asked them if they found the two secret lots with the really incredibly expensive sports cars in it. They were like, "No, way! Show us!" I did (I even thought that it was funny that they didn't find it when I originally met up with them only one parking lot away from two secret ones [the parking lots were really small, i'd say 100 ft^2]). When we were leaving, the dream shifted and I realized that I had to escape the lots without angering the female cows (What??). Ben and Dan were gone, suddenly, and I was climbing the fence of the lot next to the expensive sports cars. I turned to see a bull, so I thought I was safe. As I turned around to finish jumping the fence (I'm still in my rollerblades), I noticed an angry female cow underneath me attempting to jump up and stop me from escaping! I said, "Oh, shit," and the parking lot turned into a giant gymnasium with a 100 foot ceiling. There were other guys in the gym on the other side and there was a large female instructor. I didn't get to see what the other guys were doing, because I was busy getting away from the cow that was now underneath me. Suddenly I'm at the ceiling of this 100 ft. high gym holding onto a thick rope that's notched into a groove. I can reflect now that at least heights were not frightening in the dream. The instructor belts out, "in order to keep the cow from getting angry, when she jumps up to you, put the apex of her head into the deep groove of your crotch!" I'm thinking,"Ok, this shouldn't be too hard," without a care how strange this all sounds. The cow jumps up 100 feet (normal cow behavior), puts its head up, I sit on it, mimicking exactly what the instructor just said, and let go of the rope. The cow lands on the ground, violently bucks around as well as jumps a couple of her 100 foot high jumps, and I have to ride her the whole time. This little fiasco happens two more times, when all of a sudden the cow is a hot babe. She's naked too! Then I notice, so am I!! Only I'm riding on her shoulders. I tell her that her boobs are really cool or something strange, and she says to me, "let me show you something really cool!" Keep in mind, now the naked woman is doing exactly what the cow was doing. She jumps over to the other side of the gym where all my other friends are. They too, are now naked and riding naked women with big boobs. My woman jumps in front of all of them, while I'm thinking, "great, my ass is jiggling all over the place." She eventually gets in line with the others and then I wake up.

The last dream I am going to tell you about is one where I cut my hair with the cork screw on my swiss army knife. I don't know how it worked, I just ran it through my hair and it would cut it. It looked really good too, when I was done with it. Later in the dream, I met this girl named Divinity or something on a school bus that was acting as a campus connector here on campus. She was cute, and I noticed that her eyes were greenish hazel (what's with people having greenish eyes in my dreams??). She kept hitting on me and I didn't know what to do, I wasn't that interested. She kept acting like a child by doing weird things like disconnecting the emergency windows and throwing them out onto the express way. Later in the dream, I was driving myself around the northern part of the state and I was lost. It felt good to be free and by myself. It reminds me of how I think Incubus felt when they wrote Morning View.

To wrap it up, I have to say that in most of my dreams, there is always a transition. I'm doing one thing with certain people, and then, it changes rapidly to something entirely different. It's the way it's always been with me.

Well, that's the lot of them, enjoy!



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