Thursday, June 09, 2005

What If You Could Encapsulate an Event and Swallow It?

Written 6/2/2005

This is a long post, have fun with it. I noticed that I can detail events at my cabin better than any other events. Ya. Hoo.

I am coming to you post-Memorial Day weekend at the beautiful Bio-Med library located on the U of MN campus. I am looking out our front doors, gazing at a pendingly gorgeous day and just waiting for 5 pm, so I can get out of here. I will update you on my Memorial Day weekend. I traveled up to the cabin for the first time in a long time. My parents, aunt, and grandma were there, as well as my uncle who lives up there and would stop by for dinner (he always does). I didn't go up until Saturday with my parents because I had to work on Friday and I drove non-g/f home and hung out with her before her departure to California for the weekend. I packed and semi-organized my room until the wee hours of the night. I was supposed to be at my parents house at 9 am, but when the alarm clock went off, my body didn't want to get up, so I slept almost until 9. I called my dad at 8:30 and asked if they were ready to go, even though I hadn't showered or anything yet, and ended up waking him up. This happened the last time they told me we were leaving at 9 am, so I should have known. After a brisk shower and shave, I grabbed my stuff and headed over to the rents. Once I arrived I ate a quick lunch and we were on the road by 11ish. Two and half hours and a couple of pit stops later, we pulled onto the old dirt road that is one of the many symbols of having a cabin. My aunt and grandmother were already up there, and it turned out that my uncle didn't come up, because my grandma was driving him nuts! When my grandma comes up from Florida, she will only stay with my uncle and aunt, and not my parents' place because my dad smokes and the dog. This time she is staying an extended period, though, so she's already grating on my uncle's nerves.

I visited and played double solitaire with grandma, and I was having fun. I called Cas, he was up for the weekend, and we decided that we would get together that evening sometime. Our other friend MDT, was supposed to be coming up, but when I called him, he kept saying that he didn't know if he was going to. I convinced him that he could stay at my cabin for the weekend if he came up and that we would party "fo show'edly". After eating dinner, he arrived and we decided to go to Paradise Point, a bar near my cabin. Cas wasn't able to come out right away because he went into town with his nephews. MDT and I arrived at the bar with my parents (not embarrassing at all) and he ordered us both vodka sours (because of my college student status). I learned the difference between drinking up north and in the cities. In the cities you pay $4 for a drink and it's usually not that great, not a lot of booze or anything, or it tastes like crap. Up north, you pay less than half of the cities' price, and at the particular bar we were at, the bartendress would pour the booze the whole time she added the other ingredients. It adds up to one pow-pow-powerful drink for cheap and that equals awesomeness. As the night progressed, I had two additional Whiskey sours, or 7&7's or whatever they are called. Cas showed up with his g/f when I was on my third drink. We had a gay ol' time that evening. After a few games of pool and listening to the live band, who was named after a multi-platinum smash hit by Green Day - Basketcase, we headed for the other bar nearby - Lakeside. I made sure my mother was alright staying at Paradise, and we were on our way with my father. At this point I am pretty drunk (I'm a light weight and I don't really drink that often) and when we arrived at Lakeside, I jumped on the back of Cas's van as he parked, whooping all crazy-like. I convinced everyone to have a smoke (myself included [I know, I know, I'm a hypocritical s.o.b., but I only smoke when I drink]) and we walked over to the where we thought a bridge across the stream feeding the lake was supposed to be. It had been demolished and I was a little shocked. This aforementioned bridge and I have quite a history, and if I ever get around to posting my old ejournals, you'll know what I'm talking about. I met a girl there who changed my life long ago, but that's another story entirely. Anyway, after my drunk ass calmed down, we went out on a dock and looked up at the stars and smoked. After a while, my father came looking for us, so we went back into the bar. It was pretty dead inside, and I heard some stories the next day as to why. First off, Lakeside, formerly Derosier's, was happenest bar up on the twin lakes (my cabin is on Upper South Long Lake, there is a Lower South Long Lake as well. I should also mention that MDT, Cas and I grew up together. We all lived on the same block; MDT's grandma lives two houses away and Cas lives down the street. It's ironic and uncanny too that MDT's grandma owns a cabin on Lower South Long, only a 10 minute drive from my cabin! I think we all were meant to be friends. In fact, we three consider ourselves brothers, since I don't have any siblings.) Over the years, Lakeside's popularity has maintained itself, until around the time I stopped coming up to my cabin, or 2001ish. Either that, or I always thought it was really popular as a child, and there never really was anyone up there, and just seemed that way because I was a kid. Anyway, the owner of the bar, who also owns the campgrounds out behind the bar, didn't have a permit for camping and he got busted the night before. As a result, all the campers, and I'm sure there were quite a few there, had to leave. Now that that's said, moving on with the evening. We ordered a round of Mandarin Absolut,like the old times, and drank to those times. I believe I played "It's Been Awhile", by Staind, and "Let Her Cry" by Hootie and the Blowfish, classic songs from our friendship. After the shot, or maybe it was before it, I went over and said hello to Billy, a local and regular there. I talked to him like he was my best friend, even though I haven't seen him in years. He's one of the happiest drunks I've ever met. After that little rendevous, we sat down, drank a couple of beers, and then headed home. Once we got home, I remember trying to play "Disarm", a song by the Smashing Pumpkins that I recently learned, but I was so drunk, I couldn't make it sound right. This is where it gets a little blurry. Keep in mind that this is the first time I've been drunk enough that I can't remember all of the previous evening's events. I asked MDT for a smoke, and I went up on the hill driveway of mine and drank a beer and smoked by myself, for a short while anyway. Eventually, Cas and MDT came up and we were talking for a while, but I don't remember what about. After that, we headed back down. Later, I was either in the cabin, or in the guest cabin, when I asked Cas for one last cigarratte. I told him that after the next one, no matter what, not to give me another one. He told me to hold off until the "right moment" to smoke it, so I waited for a while. After a little while, MDT and Cas's g/f were off somewhere, and Cas and I decided that it was time for that smoke. We went out on the boat house near the lake and smoked. MDT came out and I ended up telling them that I loved them like brothers, no seriously, they didn't understand, like brothers. I had made my point for like the 100th time in my life. It was at this point that I started feeling sick to my stomach. I called it off, thinking that I just had to go to the bathroom or something. I continued on with the night for a while, before I decided that I should go to the bathroom. I ended up passing out for about 5-10 minutes on the toilet. When I awoke, I knew I was going to be sick. I pitched it for the first time in probably 7 or so years. Afterward, I felt much better. I had a glass and a half of water, and headed off to bed.

The next day MDT and I awoke at about 11:30. My mother came in tellling me that the phone was for me. I went in all groggily and answered, thinking it was my non-g/f. I heard a disgruntled sounding old man ask for my grandma. I notified my mom that it was for grandma. It turned out to be her boyfriend Jesse. I went back to the little cabin and MDT was out on the little deck having a square. I asked him when Cas and his woman left last night. "You mean you don't remember? They left when you were on your way to bed," he replied. Some thoughts came creeping back, when I was throwing up, I remember Cas's woman petting my hair and I think MDT was there as well. I went out to the kitchen to drink the water, and then went right to bed. We entered the cabin and I made a delicious French toast breakfast for the two of us. My grandma started harping on us to do some yard work, so for part of the afternoon, we picked up twigs in the yard, and I mowed the weeds and plants that are known collectively as the yard. MDT had talked to his grandma and he wanted to head over to her place sometime that day. Just for referrence, I went up Saturday and it was now Sunday. Sometime during the day, I whipped out my guitar to play MDT "Disarm". My father entered the room, and MDT sany along as I played. It was very cool. After that, I played a couple of other tunes, and "blew my dad's mind" as he told me. Something about playing that day hit me, I want to get out there and perform more than ever now!

There is a place out in the woods known as Davy Crockett's Camp, that my father used to go to when he was a child, and my friends and I go there. MDT travelled there that day, and I told MDT that we would do some 'shroomin'. We went around for about an hour or two and collected mushrooms. Got a good haul, we did. We took them back to the cabin and I wrote descriptions and made spore prints. It was getting near supper time, so we decided to go to MDT's grandma's place before dinner was ready. The most noticable thing about her cabin that had changed was that the deck now wrapped around the entire cabin, instead of just going to the side door and stopping. We went in the front padio door, which was inexcessable for many many years and I gazed on at the the new ceiling, carpet and cabinets that had been recentley installed. I said hi to his family and friends, and we ate some of the food they were having for dinner. I had been trying to figure out who made this one salad for years, because I haven't had it in years and I was craving it from time to time, and I finally figured it out, it was MDT's mother. Man, that was some good stuff. Some of the things that we talked about were that MDT's mom rolled down the hill that the cabin sat upon earlier that morning. I don't know what happened, but she tripped or something and rolled until a tree near the base of the hill stopped her descent. They were also planning to build a bi-level garage. I asked jokingly if it was going to be a party barn, and to my surprise, MDT's mom agreed! When we finished eating, MDT wanted to go for a walk like the old days. We walked down the narrow street a ways until we found an old trail we used to traverse in our past. We walked past a little field where we drank brandy years ago out of the cap on the bottle and had some laughs. Some younger girls on a 4-wheeler kept driving by us, and one time stopped to say something to us. Neither of us could hear what was said, and after the second repeat, when I could actually hear the girl, she said that she wasn't going to repeat what she said and that she felt dumb now and to nevermind, and they drove off. Whatever. Continuing on our path MDT was now hooked on finding mushrooms after he discovered how much fun it was earlier, so we kept our eyes peeled. We found some weird ones and collected them. Arriving back at the cabin, we were going to bid farewell to his family and friends, because we had a feast back at my cabin awaiting us. I think I left the mushrooms out on his truck, because I didn't have them when I got home on Monday when I was finalizing the descriptions. We went back to my pad and ate some scruptous turkey, green bean casorole, cheesy potatoes (a family fav.), corn, and stuffing. It was grub-in'. Post-dinner, MDT needed smokes and a small road trip was to ensue. We trucked it over to the Conoco about 15 minutes away, blasting some 311 the whole time. MDT informed me of a kegger his rents were going to that night that we could attend if we wanted to. I complied and called Cas to see if he wanted to go. He wanted more info about where and when, so we called MDT's mom, but she didn't answer. He then called his grandma's cabin and she said that they went up to Paradise Point. Our new mission was to head up there and find out more about the schindig. My father had been bugging us earlier about "hanging out" with us, but sometimes my dad thinks he's a little younger than he is and wants to just hang out with my friends and I, which gets a little annoying. Anyway, we told him that we would pick him up later after we went to the store if were going to go to the bar. We headed over the Paradise to find MDT's rents having a few drinks. We sat down and MDT ordered a Whiskey 7, and myself as well. I urged him not to because I didn't feel like drinking (I was not hung over in the least), but he insisted and I received a Whiskey as well, compliments of his mom. We called Cas and told him where we were, and he showed up with his g/f shortly after. MDT was on his second Whiskey 7, when I dumped mine into his. I told him that it reminded me of the previous night, and that I would rather have a beer, so his mom then ordered me a Bud Select. I don't recall what the difference is between Bud Select and Bud, but I think it's low carb, or something ridiculous. Even that wasn't very good, and I love my beers. At this point I was not really drinking and was playing pool with MDT. Eventually Cas persuaded me to order and drink after I repeatedly told him that I didn't want to and he told me to get him something. Revenge time! I thought, "alright buddy, big mistake! You're gettin' it!" I ordered my favorite, a Colorado Bulldog, and I ordered Cas a tasty wonderful, FAIRY FIRE shot! For those non-alcoholics out there, it is a shot of tequila and some tabasco sauce, only I had the bartendress put a lot of tabasco in it; I wanted him to taste it! He took it and cursed my name for quite some time, but it was well worth it, as I sipped on my bulldog. MDT's mom got a little tipsy later that evening and told me I needed a hair cut. We had been discussing this topic earlier, and she didn't really say anything. Cas's g/f put a hair binder in my hair, so I had a top knot or something and I showed everyone. After the events died down, we headed back to my cabin, including MTD's parents. Cas, Cas's g/f, MDT and I walked down to the dock and watched the stars. It was the first time in many years that I could see all the stars up there, because all the previous times I had been up there since I started attending college, there was always a full moon that blocked them all out. After seeing a satellite and a shooting star or two and me telling them that I will see all of the stars one day, we headed inside. MDT's rents headed out. I spent the remainder of the evening playing cards with Cas's g/f while my friends chilled with my old man. After a few hours, MDT was ralphing, something I was surprised he didn't do the previous night. Usually he's the one to do it. Oh, and that was the first time I've ever gotten sick from drinking. I can no longer pride myself by saying I know my limit (well I can, but my credentials have been damaged slightly). After MDT felt better, Cas and his woman headed out, and MDT and I went to bed. We awoke early the next morning, and all went home.

I stayed at home finished some loose ends and ate dinner, then headed home at 9. When I got home, I ended up playing God of War, and excellent game, really late and went to bed. That concludes my weekend of fun and firsts!! Enjoy probably the longest post ever and goodnight!!



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