Sunday, February 26, 2006

Non-Coniferous Pining

I'm searching for something, but I don't know what yet...I'll let you know when I find it. I just realized it, but I've been searching for a very long time.

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!

What is going on in the White House? Why is the Patriot Act being renewed? Doesn't anyone see this as a HUGE infringment on the 1st amendment of the Constitution? I realize the Act's intentions are "good", but isn't this one step towards a domino effect of us losing our rights and freedoms in this country?! I am liberal, yet I support the 2nd ammendment fully. If they take away our guns, we will have nothing to fight back with if our government becomes corrupt! Who would "come and get us?" you ask? Why anyone under our governement's control, such as the military; they will only be following orders. This is why information is compartmentalized in our government. You are only told to do things without really understanding why. If the guise is "in the interest of national security", our government can use any excuse to pull some heinous laws out and smack us in the face! Apparently, this isn't the first time our government has done this to us.

This is where the fun begins.

Okay, so I'll just let feral cat out of the bag. I'm sort of a conspiracy nut, but sort of not really. That post about scary things or whatever the crap I was spouting about earlier is referring to things like this. I'm not going to go into great detail unless you contact me personally (and that's only if you know me), because I'm not sure I believe everything that's been presented in the book I've been reading. All I know if something not good is going on that is above most of our heads, and from what I've gathered from conversations with other people, they've realized this as well. The problem is proving it and maintaining some shred of credibility, because there is too much garbage to wade through to find the truth. I hate admitting this because I feel like it takes something away from my credibility as a person; it makes me seem paranoid. I present a few other ideas to you in later posts, like I said I would, but it will be intermittently throughout the next few posts.

Yarn Balls

A couple of things. One, I forgot what I was going to say originally about an hour ago to start off this post. It was something about the yin yang ideology. It really wasn't anything but rambling, so don't fret, you missed nothing. Two, I'm hooked on a new webcomic, Questionable Content. I'm supposed to warn you not to view the most recent one, although I accidentally read part of it when I clicked on last and thought it was a guest comic author's rendition. If you want a synopsis, it's a web comic about an indie guy meeting an indie girl and their misadventures in life. I love it! This brings us to three. Three, in the above mentioned comic, Marten, one of the main characters, discovers a band that no longer is together. He laments (probably too strong a word) about not being able to see them live, although the particular band is good. I have to say, that I'm one of those people. I discover more bands this way. For example, I didn't truly get into the Smashing Pumpkins until they were on their way out. I did meet them, however, and I saw them live once and they are now coming back, so perhaps they are a poor example. Stabbing Westward was another band. SW is one of my favorite bands, but I will never see them perform. There is hope for people like me because Christopher Hall has formed a new band, The Dreaming. They sound similar to SW, but it's not the same. I guess I'll make due with what I get.

In other news, I attended a friend's b-day bash extravaganza last night! We ate pizza and watched Alf! Afterwards, the group of us headed over to an old friend of mine's place, whom I haven't seen in a few years. There, in the depths of his home was a DDR pad, the likes of which I had only seen in the arcade! It was big metal and shiny! I will be purchasing one of these soon...6 months soon.

I like yarn balls. I thought they were the stuff of the imagination until my friend Ghetto B.C. actually had one! I was like a kat on kat-nip in mid-July, i.e. happy (ecstatic)!

Sunday, February 05, 2006


The majority of people out there aren't worth getting to know. They are mostly just by-products of pop-culture. It's getting harder and harder to find real people, who aren't foggily treading through their life. Now I know some of these people are stuck in their predicaments. People who have to raise their family because their parents won't, things like responsibility and honor and courage prevent good people from truly finding their souls. They are trapped in this society. The almighty dollar is where it's at.

I love to post things that I write when I'm in a particular mood. This beautiful specimen must have been when I was in a sour mood. I also realize that when I'm angry, I'm often times irrational. Yay for evil! Although this particular statement has some truths to it, I have counter-statements to interject. The majority of people are worth getting to know, because people come from everywhere and someone new can always teach you something you didn't know previously. It is true that most of us are getting bogged down by pop-culture, myself included, but there are so many people out there, and we are all connected in many ways, it's no surprise that there are these sorts of things. The subject of this popularity is where the negativity comes in. I was referring to the television/movie pop-culture, which I must admit, I'm also a part of. It seems everyone these days regurgitates movie/television quotes and it simply eradicates originality. I'm guilty of the Simpson quoting, to which my non-g/f has made me aware. I respect and appreciate the writers of the Simpsons (the first 6-7 seasons only!) to the point where it has saturated my thoughts daily. I can pull out a Simpson's quote for almost any situation. Fortunately for individuals like me, there is help. I've made it a goal to not vocalize any Simpson's quote that comes to mind, and it's very effective! I'm losing my ability to sling up something for every situation, and now I'm just my normal nonsensical self again!

Real people are difficult to find, but they are there. The people who read this blog are all people I deem real. I myself am treading foggily through life right now, so I don't know what was up my ass that day. If I have posted all of my advanced expository writing papers, which I believe I have, there is one that focuses on children who have to raise their siblings in one part; you'll just have to do some digging to find it.

I won't touch on the almighty dollar. That will come up when I get back to my little situation problem thing (vague) that I was getting at earlier.

Dreamscapes III

Time for another exciting installment of my messed up dreams. I had both of these dreams on the same night.

In my first dream, I was collaborating with a professor who had the ability to communicate telepathically with animals. He knew the location of a vast treasure of epic preportions and I just so happened to be able to morph into a crow. I was flying out over the ocean while he was telling me telepathically (I could see his head transparently in the sky talking to me) where the treasure was located. He also gave me the details I needed to recover the treasure. I had to be on the lookout for an alpha male crow who kept watch on the gems. When I arrived at the location, this sand bar out in the ocean, an enormous amount of crows suddenly took off into flight from the bar. All that was left was a lone crow, which I assumed was the alpha crow. I landed on the little island and didn't have trouble finding the gems inbedded in the sand. The alpha male crow didn't bother me because my ability made me a female crow and he was looking to me as a possible mating partner! I collected the gems in my beak, then swallow them all. As I flew back, I noticed the alpha male crow following me. I landed back near a hotel on the beach where the professor was waiting for me inside. The next part is a little blurry since I had this dream long ago. I think the alpha male crow tried to mate with me, but I turned back into a human. I entered the hotel and found the professor with my grandmother, they were on a date of sorts. I asked where my non-g/f was and he told me on the fifth floor and directed me to just take the elevator. I entered the elevator which was rectangular in shape. There was a door in front of me, and a door behind me and a smaller door on each of the sides. As I reached the 3rd floor, some people got on. On the forth floor, this lawyer tried getting off the elevator while it was ascending through one of the side doors. He had to time it right, otherwise the structure of the shaft would cut him in half. He made it through alright, and I got off on my floor. When I entered the room with my non-g/f I vomitted up the gems in the bathroom sink.

In another dream later that evening, I was a Rescue Ranger. I had to go into a small underground nook. It wasn't very big, I'd say about 10-20 feet long, and I had to get by these rats and a large dog, to rescue a couple of kittens. I crept by the rats and got to the cats. Fortunately, the black dog was sound asleep. I think I told the kittens that I was there to rescue them. As we were on our way out, the rats noticed us and said to me in a loud shreaking voice like Christopher Lloyd in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" when he goes insane at the end, "you wanna know why we separate the two babies from their mother? So we can KILL them!" This awoke the dog, who started barking and chasing us, I managed to get the cats out of the nook and into the Ranger Plane, but I wasn't able to get inside and was hanging on a rope as we were flying away. I looked down and noticed that the dog was Shadow. As he jumped up to snatch me from the air, I turned into my real self and as he approached, he put his head in my lap, and I pet his head.

I always thought that those departed from this world communicate to us through our dreams, so I think that's Shadow's way of letting me know he's okay. Also, I found it humorous that the Ranger Plane could somehow sustain my weight as a human.