Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Car Factualization

Having experienced road rage as well as being consumed by it, I have made a notable observation this day. Consider this: you are driving in rush hour traffic and as the space in front of the vehicle in front of you becomes available, he/she accelerates to fill that space as quickly as possible to maintain a desirable arrival time to the individual's place of residence. You are now presented with a number of choices (there are never really two), but for the sake of my point and the free time you're sacrificing to read this, let's say you have two choices. Your first is to repeat this individual's pattern and speed up, only to slam on your brakes in the hopes that you will move along more quickly. This is a terrible idea for a number of reasons including wasted gas, the wearing down of your brake pads, as well as for the traumatic radical effect you leave on the traffic behind you time-wise. If everyone repeats this pattern, traffic becomes stop and go and the further back you are, the less you move. Observe the next time you round a curve on the free way when this is happening. You will see the cars a distance in front of you move ahead and brake. It's like a wave effect that takes a long time to reach the back of the traffic. Your other option, should you choose to accept it, and I really really truly hope you at least think about it, if you don't already do it, is to lag drive. What I mean is, instead of flooring it up to the car in front of you and axing your brakes, just let off the brake, and let the car idle drive. Sure, if you're like me, you don't want that asshole who doesn't merge right away, to cut in front of you, but people usually don't take advantage of the open space unless they need to move over. If anything, it'll be some schmoe who speed-brakes the car in front of him/her and you'll be laughing all along. Not only are you now saving a little more gas and sparing your brakes the harsh life of an armadillo on a road in Texas, you are also allowing the traffic behind to continue moving. Thank you for your time. Now, I have to create another argument for the ignoramuses who don't understand the concept of merging or the difference between merging and yielding!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

From a Tear Stream Flows a River

This is going to be a doesn't-make-you-think-post. Here's an update on the world of me. I just started my temp. job at a company in Eden Prairie. I really like it, and I haven't done anything except go through a couple of training modules and sit and watch (8 hours a day!) my trainer do various tasks. Today was a little rough, though. I stayed over time because we had a little problem with an experiment. Tomorrow promises a full day of business. Welcome to the real world, P-Wagz. When I'm not lazy, I'll actually write some more of the ideas I have saved as drafts and we'll let the good times roll. I think I'm going to go to bed soon, though because of all the various things going on this weekend. Let's see, I have a birthday party to attend, my cousin is getting married and my non-g/f's graduation party.

I might as well clear the air. My non-g/f is officially just that; she's no longer my girl friend or however you want to say it. Although we are no longer together, we are still friends, so all's not lost.

My new favorite show is "So You Think You Can Dance?" I know, I know. It's mindless crap, etc. Say what you will, but I think the people on the show have truly great talent. I don't necessarily agree with the way it's set up to make tons of money in ratings and how the executive producer tries to pressure you into calling sometimes (which is absolutely hilarious and I bet it works on some people), but it's good entertainment. Although it's basically an American Idol with a different theme of talent, I highly recommend it. Damn television and it's mind controlling powers...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

You Say Emo, I Say Emu

I don't know how you emo kids do it. When I hear even the tiniest of emo songs, my blood wants to flow from every pore in my body. I feel so overwhelmed by the music that I want to flip out and run naked down the expressway! I finally understand people who criticize Linkin Park (one of my favorite bands) stating that it makes them want to [insert grotesque, unadulterated and uncensored self-inflicting situation here]. I'm not saying it's bad music; I like a lot of it, but in small doses. Otherwise...I...I...can't even describe what it is...

Balance, Actually

I just recently viewed "Love, Actually". I think it is a good movie, but my non-g/f thinks it's the bee's knees. I don't know if I think it's that great, but definitely worth viewing. I noticed something in this movie that is also brought up in the movie "Dogma". Both of these movies start out in an airport and both have commentaries either by characters or narrators about human interactions at the airport. Because "Dogma" is a comedy, it, of course, has a satirical stance on these interactions, while "Love, Actually" focuses on the honesty of these situations. It is interesting that the narrator in "Love, Actually" claims that there is so much love in the world, based on the interactions of individuals in the airport - people return home that are greatly missed, loved ones are reunited, you know the goods. As much as I would love to agree with this view, I cannot. I am keeping in mind that this is a love movie and any attempt at the destruction of hearts or any other traumatic incidents occurring involving love are not in the minds of the writer(s). This also makes this post a complete waste of time, now that I really think about it, but I'm going to say what I came to say anyway. If you compare what happens in "Dogma" (I believe that Ben Affleck or Matt Damon says something about how the girl of a reunited couple cheated on her man 3 times while away), to that in "Love, Actually" you would consider love a balanced option. This of course is only my belief of the balance of the world.... I really don't know if I'm going to keep this post. I don't think I like it. I should have something written that I think is bad. At least I know that I'm human like everyone else this way. Blech! I hope you despised this post as much as I!


I'm not talking about the popular song from Incubus, here, although it wouldn't be uncanny if I were. I'm talking about ambition. Every where I go, I find people with drive, who are successful. I haven't acquired this...yet. I feel like I have to let everything settle in for my near future, before I'm ready to take life by the horns. This nagging in me is telling me to just quit my new job and just work on writing or music. I met with my former expository writing professor, my friend, this week. It was amazing to hear his story of how he got to where he is today. I also want to acknowledge an old friend of mine, who shall remain anonymous, who often writes poetry and posts it on his blog. I've been too paranoid in the past to post my work here, for fear of someone else stealing from it. The things I write aren't gold anyway, so I don't know what the hell I'm worried about. I've got a partial copyright on this anyways. At any rate, I feel very inspired!

With that said, here's a little hip-hop bit I wrote a while ago. It won't really sound as cool as it does because you all can't "hear how it's supposed to go", so to speak.

He likes to...take in every single word that she says
twist into a thick fat golden thread
fabricate that thread into the fleece of lies
don it when he feels his most deprived.

But you know those lies, those words she never said
he soaks them up, takes them all to the head
and even if they aren't true it's from this he contrives
'cause you know that fleece is how she's saving his life.