Thursday, January 27, 2005

Down South

Quick Post. I went down to southern MN to visit a friend of mine and my g/f/non g/f. It was a 4 hour drive, long and fun. Stupid me forgot the house-warming gifts we bought for her (she held a house-warming party). It was an exciting night! In more recent news, I just spent all night on a nomination for a president leadership award. Man it was painful. Now I realize that I have to shorten much of it. ARGH! I have no class tomorrow, and it is my g/f's b-day tomorrow, so I'm excited. I'm still behind in my work though. Maybe I'll be up late catching up! Well, till next time...


Thursday, January 20, 2005

Trying to Post

I'll try to keep posting through the semester, but things may get too hectic for this...again. Well, I don't have classes on Friday, so I may choose to talk about my week on Thursdays, so be ready for that. This promises to be a great semester. I have many non-science classes that focus on originality and bringing back the human aspect of my life. Not so much science this, and read this and do that, but get out there and experience this, create this, put soul into that. It feels GREAT! After going to school for almost four years here, I need a break. I've almost decided to switch to a music major instead of my area of study, biochemistry, which would be a total waste of my life and time, but gosh, would it be fun. Unfortunately, a music major wouldn't get me a high paying job, or for that matter, a job at all. I've heard of the struggles music majors have in getting jobs. They say you have to be the best of the best, and I'm not that...well, at least not right now. I think I'd have more success getting a higher paying job, practicing on my own, playing local, and hitting it big that way, but who knows. Are you getting dizzy yet?? I'm trying to write all my thoughts down right now and figure it out later, cause I have so much to do tonight - ALREADY!! I love my adv. expo. writing class, the teacher is the shizzle for shizzle. A very down to earth fellow. The only class I'm not looking forward to is, you guessed it, biochem lab! How ironic...

I'm listening to: Amplitude™ music. Go to and go to the download section for free downloads!!
Butthole Surfers - Electriclarryland, dcTalk - Jesus Freak (hey, it's an awesome album), Nelly - Country Grammar, and some various Jay-Z albums. I just bought Incubus's Alive at Red Rocks DVD, but haven't gotten to watch it yet. I'll keep you posted. Ooh, Saliva's Back Into Your System is bomb tiggity. I dont' know if I said anything, but the Franz Ferdinand album is different, but I like it much.

Hope you are doing well!


Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Non-girlfriend urges

Man, is that a funny title. Anywho, I showed my "non-girlfriend" my blog and she is forcing me to post against my will. Help! Help! I need help! Being held at gunpoint! Welp, today was the first day of classes for me. Pretty cool. My EngC professor enjoyed using the word bull-sh*t a lot, which made me an avid fan from the start. It's warmed up around here a little bit, I think it feels fabulous outside, but the other begs to differ. Non-girlfriend points out that I said fabulous. I'm looking forward to guitar class tomorrow.

I, Pinky, intend to take over the world. The Brain is dead. You will all answer to me now.

Err. hem, moving on. My eyes are glossy, my hair is brown, I am a large piece of ribbon candy, as my shirt implies.

Happy Posting!


Tuesday, January 11, 2005


I think I should take a break from my crazy arsed posts. I don't believe my j-term is almost over, I go back in one week. I'll tell you, I'm ready to be done with school, I'm burnt out after 22-6 = 16 years of school (I think that's when I started). I might be going to pharm school, which is another 4. I've only got another year for my degree after this semester, and possibly another semester after that for pharm school prereqs. ARGH!! Speaking of, I went and applied for a pharm tech job today for this summer. We'll see where the excitement takes me!! I practiced for the first time in probably over a year with my friend J last week. It felt good, we wrote a partial song which I'm hoping we expand on this week. I call it the "clown song". And if it somehow ever comes to be popular, no one will ever know what it means except the band.

I've been listening to TRUST Company - The Lonely Position of Neutral. Great album. My fave song is Hover on this album. Also, be sure to check out the Killers, they frickin' rock!! I just listened to Virtual Insanity by Jamiroquai as well, an oldie, if you would.

Here's to you and yours!

Evolution and the Christian Ideology

The Christian stays away from science yet condemns those who "play God" with cloning genes and such, yet who cleans up after these people?

Dear Faithful Readers...

I want to delete that first sentence, because I had a lot of anger towards Christians that day, but I've decided to keep it up as a constant reminder of how I need to learn to not always speak my mind, i.e. open mouth, insert foot. I have no idea what the "...who cleans up after these people..." comment meant, but I will try my hand at what I meant. Now that I read it, I laugh at my ignorance and stupidity. The sentence makes no sense. I will continue my little endeavor below keeping respect for both sides of the argument. Also, please forgive me if you were offended, I truly mean no harm.

I was once a Christian, but I lost faith, so I know a little of both sides of this issue. I respect the fact that most Christians ARE faithful to their religion and condemn cloning because of their beliefs. It takes a strong individual to do this (I admire those who do). I suppose the only thing I can say about Creationism is that God created all living things. One thing I noticed when I was reading Genesis, was that God let Adam name everything. This is where I become confused. If there are new species of organisms discovered all of the time, how could he possibly name them all, wouldn't we know them all? Or has this information been lost somehow? I suppose if only Adam saw every organism and named them, then only he would have recognized them all. So then aren't we breaking some rule by naming them something different? Or when we give a name to an organism, is it the one predestined for it, given by Adam?

I probably shouldn't write this one until I've done reading the Bible (yes, I'm reading the entire Bible eventually). In fact, I'll just briefly describe some things I know and write about this later. I believe in evolution and in fact there is mounding evidence of this, although I can't site you any news articles off of the top of my head. If I were to convert back to a Christian, I would still believe in evolution. This is one of the reasons I lost faith. I suppose I would be too liberal for Christianity. I would consider anything pretty much God's will/plan. I'm also unclear what I truly believe in. Is it fate that drives us, or destiny that leads us? I personally feel that Christians are discriminating against gay, lesbian, bisexual, transponder people. I had this conversation with my roommate. I never considered that marriage was a sacred thing before I talked with him. Although in our society today, marriage for the most part isn't sacred. Look at the number of divorces and remarriages. Numerous people get married and it's not through a church. I do realize the sanctity of marriage for the Christian. I guess I will never understand the unacceptance. I know the Bible says that it is wrong, but I feel that is EXTREMELY close-minded. I guess that's faith, but something tells me that that is evil (not faith, the teaching).

I'll more than likely post on this again later. Please, feel free to comment. No one ever comments. I have no readers.....(:>(

Thursday, January 06, 2005

The New Cancer

Did I mention that this will be a controversial blog?? If not, now's the time to tell you. I will post my thoughts on the world and the people in it, and I hope that readers who browse or read them won't be slanderous or ridicule me for them. And PLEASE, read the entire entry before you post a comment. Thank you - the Management.

So, onto today's topic.

I feel that the real cancer of the world (besides the disease itself) is/are people. There is so much corruption, hate, greed (other 6 deadly sins), etc. in this world that I have lost hope in almost everyone. I do believe in the good intentions of others, and from time to time, they do indeed show. Most people, unfortunately, will help you out only to benifit themselves, regardless of the façade they hide behind. In times of crisis, everyone works together, which is truly a great and awe-inspiring thing. However, I've noticed with the passing of certain crises that people lose their unity, and stop caring, unless it is for themselves. Now I realize that not everyone can be selfless all of the time, but with the things I notice on a day to day basis, I have no choice than to say that the majority of us are a cancer.
It's not only in actions of character, but also in actions of reproduction. We are multiplying at a rate that is unprecedented. I took ecology this past semester, and that class just drove this thought home. No one will ever be able to do what they did in China here. For those of you who don't know what happened in China, they passed a law allowing only one child per family, offering tax-cuts to those who families that followed the law, and penalties to those families who did not. That would never happen here. You can't tell an American how to act or how to live their life, even if they are too stupid to see the entire picture. Heaven forbid. Well, now that I think of it, literally. I am not in any way Christian (although I'm reading a book compiling all of the major world religions), but according to the book of Genesis, God commanded man to go forth and multiply. And I think in the Catholic Religion woman are supposed to have many children, I'm not sure about that though. I think this will bring the downfall of humanity - uncontrolled population growth (not necessarily by Christians). Our resources are already expired. We are running out of time, but no one cares or cares to listen. It won't be realized until it's too late. I really really try to be an optimist, but this concept can make me depressed to the point of no return. The fact that people turn away from the negative because they don't want be brought down, or because it's hard to deal with is pathetic. We've become a lazy world dependant on technology and the easy way out. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP!!!!

Listen to Cancer, a song written by Richard Patrick by Filter. Richard had a lot of balls to make a song like this.