Saturday, April 30, 2005


There probably won't be any posting on this blog for a couple of weeks. This is due to the fact that I have finals and final papers, and final projects due next week (which I will mention is a week before actual finals week). I have just been informed that I may not be "blogging on hurr" by my non-g/f. I am on her computer after all. Anyways, good luck to those of you who have finals, and I'll have a huge post again following mine.



Saturday, April 23, 2005

No Electric Brain Today

I don't have my mac with me today, which reminded me of everything I wanted to post. I would have posted last Thursday, had this website been functional. It claimed to be down and out for merely a half of an hour, when in reality it was down for many hours. I was not happy to say the least, especially when I'm trying to stay on task with the weekly postings and all.

Off the top of my head. Limp Bizkit has a new single out - The Truth. I just listened to it on their website. It is the bomb-tizzle if such a word could describe it. Also Billy Corgan has some new stuff going on that I recommend checking out. Last night I went out and purchased the new Reel Big Fish CD, We're Not Happy 'Til You're Not Happy. I haven't had the chance to listen to the whole thing yet, but it's good so far. It's really different from their last release, Cheer Up!. I was reading reviews on it and have come to the conclusion that RBF fans (some to most of them) suck ass! They always criticize the band to no end. The reviews read how the band complains about not having success and how they are going to break up in this record (which they do). However, those ignoramuses don't understand that that is how RBF are. They are a humorous ska band that make jokes of almost everything they do. A true fan can easily see that this record is complimentary to Cheer Up!. In Cheer Up!, Aaron Barrett (the lead singer) explains that the record is supposed to put you in a great mood after listening to it, no matter how bad you feel. Because of the stark contrast (no pun intended) of this new album, We're Not Happy 'Til You're Not Happy, it is very easy to understand that they are making a statement with their music. They can sound however they want, and still sound good. All the fans do is complain. I think they should write another f-you song to all the bad fans, like they did in Why Do They Rock So Hard?, this way it will weed out all the bad ones. Needless to say, the album will become another one of my favorites. Oh, yes, and the Damien Rice CD, O (featured in the movie, Closer [recommend - good]) is fan-f******-tastic! Give it a listen, it will be worth your time. For those of you who don't know my musical tastes, I am quite broad, and will listen to just about anything. For example, Limp Bizkit is a rap-core metal band; Billy Corgan, is a mix (judging from Smashing Pumpkins) of rock, alt., easy listening, love songs, indie rock, metal, and maybe a little thrash, RBF, as mentioned before, are ska (brass instruments with guitar, drums, and bass), and Damien Rice is very easy listening the whole nine yards.

My allergies are back after a three year break! It's exciting to no end. I've never sneezed as much this year as I have in my life. My eyes have never itched from allergies before. I started taking 24-hour Claritin, only to realize that it made me suicidal and depressed (or so I thought). I never wanted to feel that way again, so I relied on the only medication that I knew worked, Benadryl. This caused me to be quite tired and out of it, which was no surprise. At this point, I stopped taking the meds because of their side-effects, only to be forced into taking Claritin again so I would stop sneezing and blowing my nose all of the time. I must have been really tired the night I took Claritin the first time, because I haven't felt suicidal or depressed lately, and this is day 2 of 24-hour relief, and man, is it relief. I think I'm going in to get allergy tested soon, so I know what I'm allergic to. Also, I was worried that my circulatory system was messed up, because when I sneeze, I feel crippled, because of the pain in my arms and collar-bone area. I thought it was my circulatory system because I've heard that your heart skips a beat when you sneeze. Then my non-g/f pointed out that I should actually think about my diagnosis and I realized that it didn't make any sense that one's heart would skip a beat when sneezing, and even if it did, why that would cause pain in those areas via the circulatory system. She deduced that it is my muscles tensing up from such full-bodied sneezes. I've deduced to stop listening to fairy-tale like stories that are ridiculously ludicrous, such as your heart skips a beat when you sneeze, the ends of the bread are healthier because they have all of the grain in them (from the crust), or the infamous tooth-fairy sells teeth to the devil for cash.

I think I'm dry for stories and updates and such for now!



Monday, April 18, 2005

The Everlasting Gobstopper

Hey all. So I've been searching for this particular cartoon for years, and have had no results in finding it online, or finding anyone who has even heard of it. From what I can recall, the name is Bowser. It features a light beige dog with brown ears and a brown spot on his eye. I remember seeing some sort of green flying gyro machine in it. The dog's owner is an old professor or scientist, bald on top, with snow white hair around the sides and a big snow white puffy mustache. He always wears a lab coat, so I'm guessing it was a scientist. The style of the cartoons are round big eyed; the dog is about the same size as the scientist. I remember the music, but not the lyrics of the theme song, so I could hum it for you. It had a deva-esque singer. Remember, the name isn't necessarily Bowser, but that's what I think it is. Please, PLEASE let me know if you have heard of this cartoon!


Thursday, April 14, 2005

Comstock the Pickles

I think I found myself lost in tests and papers, but now the conscious thought of my existence has been validated by this post. This is how I feel right now!! I hope that actually doesn't make sense. It feels good to be back. How've you all been? There have been many occurrences lately in my life. First off, I removed my eyebrow piercing one week from this Wednesday. The swelling scar tissue has receded and it looks much better! I was told to put hydrocortisone on the scar tissue, but just like when I had it, I haven't taken care of it yet. The piercer who was there was actually the same girl who pierced me one year ago. She and the other guy there were shocked that it had reacted like that. In fact, it was the first time either of them had seen anything like it. It was sort of a scary thought, but since I consider myself abnormal anyway, I'm not as surprised that something weird like that happened.

Moving on. Last Wednesday, after my tests and things, my non-g/f and I visited my best friend C's sister in the hospital. She just had her baby on that previous Tuesday. It was a girl 7 lb. (I think), and very cute. She was doing well and was to go home the next night. This was also the night that gas prices were rather high. I think I paid $2.19 a gallon. We only stayed an hour, as it was 10 p.m. when we got out there due to our classes, and she had a busy day (both baby and mom). Afterwards we went to Applebee's with C. We talked about some recent things in his life (which I will leave out until I have permission to talk about them). I got home at about 2 and started my lab around 3ish. Just like me; always waiting for the last minute.

Last week was also the week I discovered where I want to work after I get my degree. The BCQ tour last week (on Tuesday) was at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. That was a fun trip. We received a private tour of the toxicology, bacteriology, endocrinology and genetics labs. In the genetics lab, they had a computer program that would take a picture of jumbled up genes, and match them in pairs. It was the coolest technology besides the da Vinci that I've seen recently. On the way back from the tour, we stopped at Godfather's Pizza. I don't remember the last time I had Godfather's, but if you want to know a great place to eat in Rochester, space is the place (this is actually the first thing that popped into my mind. It isn't an inside joke or anything, in fact, it's the name of a Space Hog song/album), err... I mean Godfather's is. The only problem with working there is that I would be far away from everyone I know. It takes 1.5 hours to get there going the speed limit; I was navigator and my faculty advisor was the driver, so I wasn't able to find out how fast she was driving, and I know the speed limit was at least 65. I'm still considering it though, because Mayo has phenomenal benefits. That's the other thing, I've noticed these days. For some reason, I've been noticing and visiting many places that are potential employment opportunities. It's weird how fate/destiny work out.

Wow, I thought that I'd have a ton to write, but I'm almost done. I've noticed that women are carrying those bright colored purses that resemble the shape of sausages. You know what I'm talking about they're usually green or pink and they have like 5 belts across them. They are the ugliest thing I've ever seen, but women seem to love them. This last little diddy that I've written may throw a loop at some of you. If you remember in high school, I had tons of fashion problems, mostly because I didn't care. I would wear the same color shirts and pants and they weren't exactly the same because one was more faded or something. I still don't care. I'll splurge for the multi-colored shirts and bright colors still, but now I have a little more matching ability. Many of my friends that are female, think I'm quite the metrosexual. I don't know why though, becuase I still have some pretty bad taste. For those of you who don't watch Sex and the City, a metrosexual is a cross between a homosexual and a heterosexual. A straight man with fashion sense is the easiest description I can think of.

A couple of other things. On one of those all-nighter papers I wrote, I got a B on. In the class we were given wild cards, which can be used to either rewrite a paper, or to touch up a paper we already wrote to get a better grade. The rule is that once a wild card is submitted, my professor will read that paper "as if [he] had never laid eyes on the previous paper before". So the possibility to receive a lesser grade is existent. My prof. must hold high regards for me, because he wants me to use a wild card and get an A. I have yet to consider his request. I'm truly not bragging, I think it's crazy that he holds me with such regard, although it is flattering, since it hasn't happened in all my years at the U.

Hmm. Well if there are no more questions, I think I'll come to a close.

I do hope life is treating you all very well! I am grateful for my life and for my friends and family, as well as their (and your) safe travels through this mish-mosh of reality!


Saturday, April 09, 2005

No Creative Output for Title

Hey all. Well, I don't think I can put a lot of time in the blog today. I have things to do and tests to study for. I will give y'all a preview of what went on this past week for when I actually post. I visited Mayo Clinic on Tuesday (I'm not sure if I already wrote about this or not), I also visited a friend's sister in hospital on Wednesday evening - she just had a baby girl! Congrats to her and her boyfriend! Went to Applebee's with said friend and non-g/f. Spent remainder of night (I did all three things in one night) doing my lab write-up for biochem and final paper proposal for expo. writing. Went to Chino Latino's last night with fellow BCQ leaders and non-g/f. REMOVED EYEBROW PIERCING BECAUSE IT WAS BEING A BITCH. It already looks much better. Signed lease for next year. There were complications... Looked for tentative classes for next semester. I looked at everything I was interested in. There isn't much offered this year, unless professors are slacking on posting their classes. That's about it. I'll probably have a post of gargantuan proportions on Thursday.



Friday, April 08, 2005

Error on Post #452

Greetings my gracious readers! I'm sorry for not posting last night, the computer at work wouldn't access this site, and I didn't have my computer (a mac). I have a ton of things to talk about!! I won't be able to talk until later, as it is Friday morning and I usually don't have time to post until Thursday night. I can promise something before next Thursday, however! I feel like such a slacker, this is week 2 I didn't post on time. Anywho, have a great weekend and I'll post soon!


Saturday, April 02, 2005

Fragments of Chaos Theory

This will probably be in two parts. Right now, it's Friday afternoon, I'm at work, and I'm waiting for my supervisor to get back from a meeting because I have a question for him. While I'm waiting, I have nothing to do, so I'll start this post that I missed yesterday.

I hope you all are well. Spring, one of my favorite seasons, is finally emerging (the other is fall), and it feels great. I don't know why they are my favorite seasons, maybe it has to do with the whole life and death cycle, or the amount of memories that pour over me at these times. I seem to like the things that bring pain. Man I feel weird right now. I'm the only person I know that sometimes loves the pain of loneliness. Being of pure evil? I think so...

Anyway, I recently purchased some software that cleans my disks and defrags my hard drive. I was supposed to back up my comp. before doing any repairs. Of course, after running the disk dr. program, I found major errors. I was stuck. I then decided to purchase an external HD. After doing some research, I purchased a Western Digital ex. HD. Unfortunately, from what I understood of the reviews, you either buy a good HD or one that breaks in a few weeks. Two weeks so far, and no problems here! After I backed up my comp, I fixed the disk which had about 6 major problems and a multitude of minor errors. It's now running in tip-top shape! Whooo... Hooo... I forgot to mention that I have $70 in rebates on the HD, another plus!

For BCQ this week, we attended the ESS (Emergency Surgical Services) tour! It was an exciting tour, where we learned about all of the surgical implants that are tested on animals before they are put into humans. There, students and myself, along with other student leaders, were given the opportunity to suture as well as test drive the Da Vinci. The suture experience was very...unique. There were hunks of pig..meat is the best word. I guess they were rumps from pigs with the skin still on (not bloody or anything). We were taught how to suture by a man who has been teaching med students for 15 some years! (Saturday's continuation)I devoloped a new-found respect for surgeons after trying suturing. The Da Vinci was the coolest part of the trip. The da Vinci is a large robotic surgeon. It is operated by a surgeon with proper training and the newest technological advance in the area of surgery. A surgeon in the U.S. could be operating on someone in Russia with this machine. It's so cool, you sit in this chair, and look into the viewing glass. The image you see is 3-D and comes from the scope that is looking at whatever is on the operating table. This scope can be straight, or curved and has fiber-optic wires within! In front of you are to finger loops for each hand (thumb and index finger) that are attached to the metal apparatus of the viewing/operating unit. Think of the area where the surgeon sits as a large remote control for the robot that can be placed anywhere in the world. As you move around, you can do just about anything with your arms, and the robot mimics this. Turning your wrists opening your hands, anything you can do, the robot can do and it does it simultaneously! The arms of the robot are little pincers, or whatever adapative device they put on the arms of the robot. The machine costs $1 million and there are 4 of them in MN alone, contributing to the 150 units in the U.S. Here are some websites to check out Da Vinci
More Da Vinci

In other news, I had a test this last week, and one coming up on Monday and a paper due Tuesday. I originally had a test on Wed, too, but they switched it to next week!! Phew! I finally officially switched majors to biology. I've also been considering taking all of my classes for my degree next fall and then finding a job in the spring, but I don't think I will do that. More news. I've noticed that my music collection has been growing exponentially. I'm finally purchasing all of those old alternative cds from the 90's that I never did or could afford. Unfortunately, I can't afford anything else now, since I got so carried away. Sorry if this post is so fast paced. I'm trying to get everything down because I should be studying right now!

I'll leave you with my rabbit story (short and sweet). I was walking over by my non-g/f's apartment at night with her, when I noticed this blurry object near me. I looked down to see a rabbit. We locked eyes. Then for some reason, my body acted as if it either a.) had never seen a rabbit before, or b.) had forgetten to be surprised. After about 2 seconds of staring the rabbit straight in the eyes, I jumped about 5 feet in the air. The rabbit didn't waste any time getting the banana out of there. Anywho, that's that.

Have a most excellent rest of the weekend, and wish me luck on the tests/papers!


Friday, April 01, 2005

It's Not Just a Show, It's an Obsession!

Hey all. In my inhibited state, I forgot to post yesterday. This is bad. I was so engrossed into Naruto, that I watched it all last night at work. The storyline is getting so insane, that I can't even study or post, or eat!!! ARGH! I'll try and post next week, but no promises...
